
Initiative Q is the brainchild of Saar Wilf, a serial entrepreneur who started his first payments start-up in 1997, and later founded Fraud Sciences, which redefined the payment security space and was acquired by PayPal in 2008.

Wilf has compiled a team of experts from a variety of disciplines, including mathematics, economics, and other social sciences. The economic and monetary models were developed with Economist Lawrence White, a professor of monetary theory and policy at George Mason University, and reviewed by our advisory board members listed below.

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How to get invited

Joining Initiative Q is by invite only (see why)
Here are two simple ways to get invited:

Go to Initiative Q’s Facebook or Twitter page and see which of your friends already follow Initiative Q. They may already be registered.

Submit a post on social media asking your friends whether one of them can invite you.

Want to learn more?

Joining Initiative Q is by invite only (see why)
Here are two simple ways to get invited:

Learn about Initiative Q’s economic model and how to value its currency

Learn why Initiative Q’s new payment network will surpass existing systems

Go through our frequently asked questions